Membership Rules

Memebers should abide by the rules as stated below:

⦁    Members are required to carry their membership cards when visiting the club. Membership cards must be shown to any member of staff upon request
⦁    Membership cards are non-transferrable and can only to be used by the named card holder
⦁    Members may bring guests and their children to the club. The member is responsible for their guests and must sign them in on the guest register at the bar upon arrival. Members shall at no time leave the club whilst their guests are on the premises. Management reserve the right to forbid entry of any guests
⦁    Management reserve the right to ask any member and their guests to leave the premises if they believe they are not adhering to the club rules
⦁    If your previous membership has expired you shall no longer receive the benefits of membership until full payment has been made
⦁    The purchase and supply of alcohol on the club premises is in the control of the management. Members and their guests shall be supplied with alcohol in accordance with the permitted hours laid out in the Licensing Act, and fixed by the management of the club
⦁    Alcohol may not be sold to or consumed on the premises by any person under the age of 18. We operate a challenge 21 programme and our bar staff have the right to refuse anyone who cannot produce valid ID
⦁    Children are only permitted in the club or on the grounds when supervised by an adult member. The member takes full responsibility for the behaviour of their children and their guests children whilst in the premises of the club
⦁    The club must be used respectfully. If any member, their children, their guests or guests children cause damaged to club property, the member will be asked to reimburse the club in full or partial payment towards replacement or repair of the damages. Failure to reimburse the club could result in your membership being revoked.
⦁    The balcony and stairs are not to be used by children unless accompanied by an adult
⦁    Dogs are not permitted in the club or on the club grounds.
⦁    Only activities permitted by the management will be allowed to take place on the Club premises
⦁    All members and guests must leave the premises ½ hour after time at the bar is called
⦁    Only food and drink purchased from the bar may be consumed on the premises, under no circumstances should you bring in your own food or drink
⦁    Any member found breaking any of the club rules could have their membership revoked without reimbursement


In keeping with the dignity of the Club, the following Dress Regulation is in force for the compliance of members and their guests while entering the Club premises.

Members using Sports Sections and the Health Centre shall be appropriately attired in keeping with the acceptable norms of the respective sections.

Candidates appearing for interview before the Executive Committee for membership, shall be dressed in Lounge Suit (no combination suit) or National Dress (buttoned up coat and trousers). Members accompanying the candidates for proposing or seconding shall also be dressed similarly.

Dress Code for Executive Committee members attending Executive Committee meetings either for transacting Club business or to interview candidates for membership, shall be Lounge Suit (no combination suit) or National Dress (buttoned up coat and trousers)as above. For other special meetings of the Executive Committee, the general dress code regulations shall be adhered to.

Note : Users of the Club inappropriately or unacceptably attired, shall be asked to leave the Club premises and shall be denied service.

Membership Rules